Your practice personalized for your needs. This is the ideal way to learn how to modify the practice for an injury or to learn how to work with your weaknesses. Private classes are a great opportunity to breakdown difficult asanas and learn new techniques or to create a customized approach based on your needs and wellness goals.
Privates can take place in your home or mine or through ZOOM. You'll be offered a replay so you can watch it again and again.
It can be challenging to do it all, but ultimately having a seated practice gives us more time. Want to learn more? Start privates today.
Want ongoing guidance? A mentor is someone who pushed play a little before you did and who can help you navigate through obstacles to teaching and practicing.
"Taking an online private with Jen was one of the most helpful things I have ever done for myself not just my practice. Jen made me feel welcome and at ease and we discussed many things. I was kind of thinking an hour of only talking about me would be awkward but Jen is a professional with lots of insight that helped me so much. I will definitely be utilizing this again and am so glad it is available!"
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